Sunday, February 5, 2012

Ok my day was great, the Giants won the super bowl. I am not a giants fan nor did I watch them all year, but so greatful that they won since so many were ruting for the patriots to win. I finished my scarf with the funky colors and im kniting my other scarf with my hand spun yarn. My great and loving husband built me a pengiun style wheel in his own design. People say that spinning with this style wheel is slow going maybe, and that you cant get a consitent yarn from it. Well I dont know if that is true, I am starting a a shawl pattern using a brand yarn and I need to spin somthing simmilar weight to it. I think if I draft the fleece first and take my time I can get it done. I am going to take my time and finish this shawl with pride and care so wish me luck.

Yesterday was the 6th aniversry of my brothers death it happened suddenly and violently. My brother was the victom of anger and road rage, final investigation says that he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, he was in a car of four passengers and the other car opened fire he was the only one hit. Bullsh*t lets try to play nice always and all the time. Bad mood's are contagious they pass along all day, all week, all year, all life. Stop choose your own mood, and smile when in the face of opposition and say I choose my day. People get hurt and life is to short to be F*cked up all the time.

Ok sorry just its hard to think that life is not important to others and that people can just do somthing and not think twice about it. Love your nieghbor and get a hobby it helps, it calms the mind amd give you something else to think about. I find spinning yarn and knittinng it up to be so soothing. Couple cans of spray paint and a mask takes the load off and a big glass of red wine, man helps allot.
Much love an Gods peace peeps!!!!

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