Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My tye dyed skien

So I dyed some more wool yarn same process but used more colors together, I think it came out well. The colors blended nicely and they came together in some places. There was some white left over, I like it though. I feel like it can be done again I hope.

I just used the blue,green, red and yellow and it blended well. It has more colors than the camera picked up. The space were there is light green and blue looks white but it is a gradent.

I will be dye more like this, this skien is for some baby hats. So I will see how it knits up.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


I realize that this last week I have been on vacation, I have not worked out, I have not eaten my regular health food and scheduled meals. I do feel wonderful though maybe a little heavier not much, and nothing a good week of clean eating and my regular HITT training can't handle. So tonight I drink my Kiefir. Kiefir is a wonderful nutritious fermented milk drink. I make my own with my ever growing kiefir grains. I notice when I drink it regularly my skin glows and my digestion system is grateful. So even though its Friday tomorrow and I slacked all week,I will jump back on the wagon and get a routine going again. It was a pleasant break. I work out 5-6 times a week a hour or more at a time so I think I deserved this one.

Ok I have a fiber craft haul coming, today I received my knit picks ball winder. I need a swift but that can wait for now since my hubby like's to hold the yarn for me at least he pretends to. So I opened it, it has instructions on the back of the box. I figured it out and wound my first ball I love the little cakes. Supper happy, can't wait for my wheel to get here I'm itchin to spin. I guess I could use my old wheel but I want it now!

Here is the finished owlette head band by Kym Sturdevant on Ravelry. It took like an hour and a half, supper fast supper fun knit. I had a lot of yarn left over so I knit a bobble band also. I lent my friend, the one I knit the bands for a knitting book, on the day I did there was a funny discussion on bobbles. Fast forward to last Friday she brought the book back and said here just in case you want to knit bobbles on vacation. So here you go my friend your very own bobble head band. Who loves you baby?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My new wheel on the way!!!!!

My shawl alas now sits, stuck. I have finished my hand spun and now wait for my brand new wheel. Yes finally I can produce like the big dawgs. I bought a Babes production wheel in Black. Babes fiber garden produces some very nice and reasonably priced spinning wheels. The old man who invented the babes is so sweet and nice how could I resist. Love the fact they are made of pvc, as cheap as I am I could not build one my self. Oh yeah we tried to do the flyer mode on my quill wheel but man how on earth do you set the ratios ect ect. Big fail. My hubby is such a crafts man, but hey some times you buy for ease and comfort right?
Oh my Dye job, this is the ball for my friends head band. Started it this morning. I love the pattern it's the owlette headband by Kym Sturdevant. It is knitting up fast and I think I will have a lot of yarn left. My friend may get a second or even third gift.

The bottle of wine she gave me was Kendal Jackson surmation 2008. I may have spelled that wrong. Anywho the wine its self is a blend, it is light bodied and has a strong finish. I did not pick up the chocolate tones it said it would have, it may have needed more time to breath. But all in all, a good wine thank you to my friend.

Monday, February 20, 2012

My pic with John Force

MY first picture of me on my blog, I wasnt sure if I wanted to do this but hey the end to a means you know. What is the end you ask? I got my picture taken with John Force. It began as an infatuation as a little girl the first time I saw him racing those fast cars and talking fast with those teeth I knew I was in love. There are diffrent types of love and this is not the love that I hold for my husband, but the love I hold for family. This man has changed the face of NHRA DRAG racing and made it more personable. I see him and I know that it will and hopefully be always a family sport. This is me after a long day but let me begin by saying, Thank you Bobby my dearest father inlaw and boyfriend I love you so much for making this happen. He bought my husband and I tickets.

Not just tickets but tower tickets are you kidding me. We are like at the front of the strip.Starting line baby thats right, but I digress. Any who this is a pic of our view totaly cool.We sat up front the whole day not to mention roof action were the gas fumes roll over and burn your eyes and the sound shakes you to your knees what.

The food was great and filling, my boo wanted more but no second. All is well cause the drinks were free and I had 3 buds yes I had beer. Oh and the server/bodygaurd of the food was really cool and didn't mind my husband staking the corn bread. The ribs were not jucie but tasty.

Okay did I say family man John is up against his daughter Courtney first race of the finals. He lost I think for love more than anything else. I just had a blast I love my family I have an amazing life and I am more than the some of my parts. I can not belive that this day happened and I am so blessed Not to mention I got my picture taken with the man him self, JOHN FORCE!!! I had my arm around him and shall never wash it again!

Friday, February 17, 2012

First attempt a dyeing yarn and another picture of shawl

This is my first try at yarn dyeing, I did it in the microwave. I will be using this to knit a thank you gift for a coworker who gifted us a bottle of wine for valentines day. Her favorite color is green she will have a custom job. Ok first I wrapped the yarn into a skien, put it into a pyrex with vinager and water. I've heard you should let it soak first before adding dye, I used food coloring. I squished it down and let it sit 5min maybe, then I added a green and blue mix. It soaked in fast then I did drops of straight blue randomly. I covered it with plastic wrap and microwaved it for 5mins stop then 5min more, the second time the water was basicaly clear some blue tint not much. the last time 5min and it began to boil, but it did not felt. I squeezed out the water and rinsed it ,color fast baby. It was so cool I will be doing this again soon!

Shawl in progress

Today I realized for real that I will most certainly run out of hand spun. I love this pattern it's from Ravelry its Lala's simple shawl an is my first shawl. It is really easy to memorize and its super fun. I wanted it to be warm and it will be it is all wool the black is baby alpaca. I am hooked on spinning, this weekend we will attempt to turn my quill wheel into a flyer and bobbin wheel it will be an ordeal but my hubby is very handy. Anywho I love this knitting with my own hand spun yarn. Does that make me a yarn snob? I will finish up my yarn and begin spinning more yarn on Monday have to make a run to my LYS.

Here is a look at the pattern its hard to see.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Running out of hand spun

Okay what a weekend I finished up my yarn and began knitting my shawl. I am almost out just started the cream yarn tonight. Im spining up some blk alpaca singles and gonna satart spining the rest of the lght and drk grey to finish shawl. I have a week off comming up im gonna finish my shawl and start a irish hiking hat I did one last year and it was fun, this time im gonna spin my yarn up. Take back what I said I love my wheel its just very slow I need to invest in a ball winder it will make plying easier. I will have pics some time this week.

Much love and Gods peace!!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Yarn done!

Ok I finished the light grey yarn but my hubby is asleep and I cant thwack it, so I will set it tomorrow. The light grey is close to 57yards. From what I understand it may shrink some after drying. Right now I have about 220 yards not enough for the full shawl so I will either hope that I can spin as I go or be happy with a shawlete.

I would really love to have a spinning wheel I would enjoy it I know. To spin on my wheel is like a work out really I begin to sweat. I think I want to spin my own yarn from now on. I have a bunch of lions brand fisherman's wool to use up and a ton of red hearts also. But i like the idea of spinning my own.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Navajo plyed cream yarn for shawl. ok so 36inces= 1yard so I think its about
97 wraps around my chair at 37ins around so that 3492 yards of yarn is that right?
Edit 2/8/12 just a little over 97 yards, Ok woke up had a thought wow. I promise im not stupid it was a long day, i should have been sleeping!

So today I finished spinning and plying the cream yarn for my shawl, it seems that the size is bigger than I wanted, it is worsted weight I think. Any who so I will start the deep chocolate tomorrow I will spin day and night and hope to get do in less than 2 days. Yep my wheel is slow going I know that now and I will be in the market for a wheel soon. I'm gonna use this one my sweet husband made for me till I cant take it anymore. I love him so I feel like I will hurt his feeling if I get a wheel but I know that is not true. He loves when I'm happy.

I tried to get as consistent a yarn as I could but this is only the 5th or 6th time I have produced yarn and this is by far the best I have made.I hope that I can reproduce this yarn in the other colors so my shawl looks nice but I will love it anyways. Okay time line chocolate brown spun and plyed by Thursday night, grey spun and plyed by Saturday night. Set and dry Sunday, Monday start knitting Monday or Tuesday night. Hey miracles happen every day. I have more pictures but for some reason they wont download so I will post later. Oh yeah Ravelry im on Ravelry under Chademp I love love love this site so cool. I have my project up and will update there also ok thats enough, yawn eyes, getting heavy, so tired. Goodnight.
Much love and Gods peace peeps!

Monday, February 6, 2012

New roving

Ok let me appologize last time I was here I went on a tirade. Sorry It just still hurts sometimes more than others. Just want love for everyone and much respect. I did not need to throw out curse words and things .

Today I went to a litle store kinda big though called Tempe Yarn and Fiber, Nice people there and a great inventory did not get to stay long but will be going back soon. I have undertaken a spin to finish project. Lalas simple shawl pattern with my own hand spun yarn. I spun all day almost and I realize my wheel is a little slow going. I should have enough singles to ply by staurday then, they have to dry, so by monday I should be able to start knitting.

I will be posting pictures of my yarn and progress as it goes, I was so inspired by Yarn Harlots Jacob Damask shawl it is so pretty she spun up her yarn and knit it up. I am by no means as talented as she, so the simple shawl will be good I took her color scheme. I love the natural colors of fleece and so most of my knits are in natural colors anyways maybe some day I will love colors, but to me natural is beautiful.

Love and Gods peace peeps!!!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Ok my day was great, the Giants won the super bowl. I am not a giants fan nor did I watch them all year, but so greatful that they won since so many were ruting for the patriots to win. I finished my scarf with the funky colors and im kniting my other scarf with my hand spun yarn. My great and loving husband built me a pengiun style wheel in his own design. People say that spinning with this style wheel is slow going maybe, and that you cant get a consitent yarn from it. Well I dont know if that is true, I am starting a a shawl pattern using a brand yarn and I need to spin somthing simmilar weight to it. I think if I draft the fleece first and take my time I can get it done. I am going to take my time and finish this shawl with pride and care so wish me luck.

Yesterday was the 6th aniversry of my brothers death it happened suddenly and violently. My brother was the victom of anger and road rage, final investigation says that he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, he was in a car of four passengers and the other car opened fire he was the only one hit. Bullsh*t lets try to play nice always and all the time. Bad mood's are contagious they pass along all day, all week, all year, all life. Stop choose your own mood, and smile when in the face of opposition and say I choose my day. People get hurt and life is to short to be F*cked up all the time.

Ok sorry just its hard to think that life is not important to others and that people can just do somthing and not think twice about it. Love your nieghbor and get a hobby it helps, it calms the mind amd give you something else to think about. I find spinning yarn and knittinng it up to be so soothing. Couple cans of spray paint and a mask takes the load off and a big glass of red wine, man helps allot.
Much love an Gods peace peeps!!!!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Just update

Today is friday,love friday its so freeing even if you have to work staurday.
I love that when you get off of work it feels like you should go have a beer,
and when you do its the coldest, breweyest beer ever. Yep love fridays!!!
Im stil not feeling great but better, want to spin some wool and alpaca up
and finish knitting my scarf. It is some yarn merino I think a friend spun up
and it is lovley pinks and green and black funky art yarn.
Im spining up some romney,lincoln,alpaca in natural colors to make a scarf
I have about 4 small balls already but want a big scarf so gonna keep spinning!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Good morning. I am under the weather today cant seem to shake this cold it goes away and comes back stronger its been like almost a week now. Ok so I do alot of diffrent crafts and things latley I knit alot and make teddy bears. Im going to stick to those things they bring me the most joy.

I am spinning again, my husband love him so!!!! Made me a pengiun style spinning wheel with a quill, it works wonderfully and I have some yarn drying right now upstairs. I navajo ply my yarn its just the coolest way ever. Hope to have a actual louet kiwi wheel some day.

My ETSY shope is getting traffic now alot my bears are geting noticed come on down and look for your selves im chademphill.etsy.com if you didnt know. I love my shop just wish for more sales.

I have officialy lost 70lb in three years lost the last of it last year 40lb woo woo!
HITT high intensity training with weights is the way to go if your looking to shed the lbs it works like magic. Got my metabalism to work again plus 6 small meals a day its amazing how the body works God made us so well!

Ok I dont have pictures today want to upload them as soon as I get them Im gona challange my self to develop my blog evry friday atleast and face book. Sticking to my weight training and start running again, clean eating and oh yah Im doing a natural hair product challange no chemicals gonna talk more on that later but I make all my products now except fo conditioner gona try a recipe this weekend. Gonna spin up and knit up some warm weather stuff gonna need it next year, and make some more teddies!

Okay pics and thing later LOVE AND GODS PEACE PEEPS!!!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Ok I havent been on here in a long time! Its late amd I am tired it has taken me a while to figure back out , face book bloger and google I think I have it down now so off to bed I go whew.
Any hoo if any one cares to know I am going to stream line some things and change others blah blah blah.
I will fill you guys in tommorow!!!!!!!!!!
Much love and Gods peace later peeps!!!!!!!