Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What a Tale sculpt

So being new to blogging, I might have put the pictures weird. Or did I just kidding, this is my stand up sculpt. It stands 2' high it is made up of a wire base and paper mache. Then i began to sculpt it with Das clay and paper clay.

This is my first stand up sculpt that is so big I wanted to do something abstract, and sci fi so What a Tale came to be also I wanted to see just how far I could take it. I am not sure if I want to paint it or not, If I do I will post it. I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am. I am just so happy that it didn't turn out so bad being my first big sculpt. I'm going to try to find some other places to post it I really would like some feed back. For now all i have is my family and they love me to much to hurt my feelings.

I am looking forward to finishing it what ever that may be. I have put a lot of hours in so far its been a month.
Right now my hubby is upset with me for how much money I spend on supplies but you know in the grand scheme of things it's really not that much and it could be worse I could want a new car every year,and its all my money I spend. His hobby is way more expensive and hopefully maybe someone will buy my hobby. But I love him and will respect his wishes.
So starting now besides buying clay and bases to sculpt on I'm going to go through my stash of stuff and create from home so I'm going art green! I just hope that I can refrain from shopping I love Hobby Lobby!!!!
I am finding that my job though very satisfying is becoming mundane and I want some time just to create. I can not become a starving artist I love food way to much but in a way green artistisom is kinda starving I can only buy the thing necessary for my dolls and sculpts. I cant splurge on shiny bobbles and thing that never seem to make it in to my art. I am a very eclectic person I love music that does not fit into the stereo type the world wants to put me in I dress different I look different I embrace different things so why can't my art be that way to.

I vow now to only purchase what is necessary! GREEN STARVING ARTISTISOM no offense to the real starving artist much respect!!!

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