Thursday, June 3, 2010

Today I realize that life is good!!!!

I realize today that my life is great. I don't have a big space to create in you could even say, well heck its my living room in my small apartment but what more do you really need? I have plenty of time to think and to create, my job allows for time to be me its not a 9-5. I have a wonderful husband a great dad and wonderful friends and family. I would love nothing more then to paint,sculpt,draw,crochet just do my thing watch some TV. Be independently wealthy!!!!

Hey my life is great,I have some great ideas, this weekend is gonna be spent working on my stuff. I gotta take this real seriously, do you ever feel like we can get in our own way. Sabotage our plans and not allow ourselves to grow. I found that is what I have been doing my whole life I wish I could find some of my old work. Here is something do you ever over think an idea till you think it to death I do. I'm gonna start today well really I did, I'm gonna live in the moment cliche right live in the moment but it is real. When I get an idea now I'm gonna start it, sculpt big, paint big large scale.

I have a friend he is a very talented artist. he went to school and has an art degree, in galleries and shows. he speaks to me as if I am on his level you know what I mean. Tells me to put my stuff out there invaluable fountain of knowledge he is. I have another friend he is a very talented artist as well has sold stuff.
Why can't I do that what is stopping me from this. The self sabotage of not living in the moment. I have heard this term bounced around for how long have we heard it?
I know what it means now.

Today on my long drive to work and all morning I wanted to run away, I went a diffrent way to work and the change was nice. On extended period of non work today I drove around instead of sitting there. I need change I need toi live in the moment of change. My life is good I am blessed Im gonna start living that way.

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