Tuesday, June 22, 2010

No Spart or Sprainting today :( !!!!

I am so sad I did not get to paint this morning. The big green field by my home was being watered by like stadium sized sprinklers. I was not sure what section they were on and I didn't want to haul all my stuff out there to have to run from the water, even though at 7 in the morning it would of felt good, it sure is hot.
I will not get to paint again until sat maybe if I feel up to going out there after work I might get to paint sooner but I have to wait till like 6pm its still hot then and the paint will act up, oh well. Much Love and God bless!

Repent before its to late!!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Spart my 2nd atempt at spray paint art

So I went out this morning and painted. I took my spray cans out and went to town I had a few people stop and watch I'm going out again 2morrow. I need practice to get good and I intend to practice I love this form of painting it is so wonderful to watch it unfold. I found that I had peace today. My favorite visitor today was a chocolate lab who came up tail wagging tongue lapping so cute. I was worried she would step in the wet paint but she was respectable.
This attempt went well I was out there at 7:30 till 9:15 it began to warm up and my paints started to react different. I am trying to figure out my scraping tools the one I was using most was to skinny and I don't like the result of my rocks, but the painting with the tree is done differently I will use that tool more. Can't wait to see what comes out of the cans in the morning!!!!
God Bless!!!!!!

Wow my Blog is on GOOGLE!!!!

Its been a while since I posted I have tried some new things out and in love with spray paint art I tried it out and I love it. My first 3 paintings aren't really that good but here is the story. We went out to the salt river and I set up. I was nervous and it was very very hot out so the paint dried faster than I would have liked.I will be going out 2morrow morning to paint in the green field near my home so excited I want to get good at this. I have always be infatuated by spray paint, must say I did some tagging in my younger days, sorry neighborhood I think organized graffiti is great to say you are allowed to mural on a given wall but when it is destructive its not as good. I don't think the artist gets a chance he/she is in a hurry you know. But spray cans are a marvelous thing indeed!

Excited that my blog is on google search now thank you Lord Jesus it feels to me as a miracle of sorts. I am in the process of finishing "WHAT A TALE"!!! Hopefully I will be taking my ETSY store out of vacay mode soon Look forward to the future really!!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Im rethinking GSA

I want to first say that I am sorry if I'm letting anyone down but GSA does not work. At least not for me, I have found that I want to concentrate on two forms of visual art even though I can do more crafts and types of work the two that stand out the most are sculpting and painting. I have recently discovered a form of painting that is so exciting to me I can not wait to try it. Try it that is were the problem lies it will require me to buy thing that are not necessary to my sculpting/mask making but are necessary to this form of painting so I guess it is necessary but not.

And rather than kick my self in the butt for buying the things that I need I will give up GSA and localize my brain on the two things that bring me the most joy.'
I will explain the new form once I have some examples to post but until then I hope your having as much fun as I am!!!!! The only thing is I must find some space to do this I can not do it indoors, although I went through my things and my creative space and I have more room than I thought. My little apartment is not so small!!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Vacay Mode

Chademp.etsy is in vacay mode
I need to rethink and revamp, figuring out what I want to concentrate on I do way to many things!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

30min painting and Modge Podge Dimensional Magic

Ok so here it is Tom really likes it I mixed alot of mud and rushed in 30 mins.
So I had a great idea before I taped a design on the canvas so when it dried there would be spaces I wish I hadn't done that kinda!

But then I remembered all the great stuff I have and decoupaged scripture, added 18 karat gold leaf paint and raised it with new Modge Podge Dimensional Magic , I love this stuff!!!! I then put glitter in the colors that complement the paint and Tom had an 8x10 frame so go GSA here it is. Now I did this as a challenge the painting was done in 30 min every thing else was done today, even though I am not that happy with how it turned out I have some great ideas now and life is about experimenting.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28 TINV

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Okay I had a wonderful day today! I worked I came home exhausted and went to sleep after eating turkey wraps, my hubby got some smoked turkey and mozzarella cheese yum.
I kept thinking all day about what I was going to do when I got home and ended up sleep.
I woke up after a nightmare, at least that's what my mom and I call them. It is a state of consciousness while your body is still asleep. You can not move a muscle and make a sound, you are aware that your mind is awake but you have a feeling of dread that if you fall back asleep that its not a good thing. Any who its terrible over the years I have learned to make sound that alerts my hubby to shake me and wake me. if he is not home I tough it out struggling to budge my body.

After that I was shaken and remembered the 30min challenge, excited I broke out my paints and brushes and a small 8x10 canvas I'm not stupid and by no means a painter so I worked small. 30min come on I watched Bob Ross not truly finish in a show on several occasions and I am not him ,not gonna pretend I am him and not going to pretend that that is my field of artistry no mam.

OK so I worked fast I worked hard I mixed mud the paint really has to dry before the next coat and if it doesn't its not pretty. I went with a open theme and tryed to stay in the limits of his style. My hubby timed me and told me the 15-7 min mark and then said stop so fast that it startled me I said oh now. Oh no I was thinking I have completely failed this It is horrible this sucks. I am new to this really so all my stuff is learning for me fun.

Scared that I failed my hubby turns around he's on the couch watchin NHRA. He says baby I said what, its beautiful he really liked it, now he loves me so I question how good it really is. Like I said I worked fast and mixed mud so be gentle. I am not a painter I paint. I said I would post it no matter how it turned out I Will put it up tomorrow. Good night I have church in the mornin, If we go we try not to miss but its been a long week.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Hey I know what to do. Tom challenged me to paint a picture in the style of Bob Ross you know Joy of painting happy trees guy we love him. Anyways he said time my self 30 min and see what it looked like. so tomorrow after work that is what I'm going to do I'm gonna prep first because he always has a canvas an tools, paint ready I will sit down and paint for 30 min and what ever it is I will post it here.
What I am feeling is not challenged maybe maybe so that is my test hopefully we won't think its awful but no matter what it looks like I'm putting up for all to see. I will post it Sunday wish me luck!

Revamp of GSA

Green Starving Artistisom.
"{Only buy what is necessary for art work."
I posted that my hubby was upset that I was spending money on art supplies when I have so many. So I came up with GSA much respect to the real starving artist out there. Any who I found a technique that I want to try but it will require me to, buy things out side what I already have that is another term of GSA use what I have.
So I thought what is a good way to acquire some new stuff and stay within GSA.
Recycle, I will ask people if they have anything they are planning on getting rid of and see if it could be used. I will only spend money that is made from the sale of art work, you say it takes money to make money well yes it does and when I need to I will. So that is the revamp.

I'm working on my sculpt getting ready to paint it I have a new mask and doll in the works. I had a massage today by a wonderful therapist and my back is feeling great.
She recommended a fast to clear my head I fill as if I am at a cross roads.I can not go into much detail now because I not quite sure what exactly it is. i just don't feel like I'm were I should be. I want to run away, I want to hide and at the same time I want to be out and open. All I can think is if I had this or that it would be better would it be?

I love my life I know that I am blessed but there is something that I want and need.I am going into some think time and some respite as much as I can and still work
I need to know what it is. Maybe my walk with the Lord is not right. I don't know. What I do know is that GSA will be very hard or maybe easy I will let you know. I work tomorrow when I get home I'm diving into some work art work!!!!!
Question if you buy two sodas 1 for you and one for someone and that someone buys
one soda for you, and then they take the soda they bought for you and the soda you bought for them, is it like they never bought a soda for you at all he he he?
Comment if you like to Id like to know what you think!!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Today I realize that life is good!!!!

I realize today that my life is great. I don't have a big space to create in you could even say, well heck its my living room in my small apartment but what more do you really need? I have plenty of time to think and to create, my job allows for time to be me its not a 9-5. I have a wonderful husband a great dad and wonderful friends and family. I would love nothing more then to paint,sculpt,draw,crochet just do my thing watch some TV. Be independently wealthy!!!!

Hey my life is great,I have some great ideas, this weekend is gonna be spent working on my stuff. I gotta take this real seriously, do you ever feel like we can get in our own way. Sabotage our plans and not allow ourselves to grow. I found that is what I have been doing my whole life I wish I could find some of my old work. Here is something do you ever over think an idea till you think it to death I do. I'm gonna start today well really I did, I'm gonna live in the moment cliche right live in the moment but it is real. When I get an idea now I'm gonna start it, sculpt big, paint big large scale.

I have a friend he is a very talented artist. he went to school and has an art degree, in galleries and shows. he speaks to me as if I am on his level you know what I mean. Tells me to put my stuff out there invaluable fountain of knowledge he is. I have another friend he is a very talented artist as well has sold stuff.
Why can't I do that what is stopping me from this. The self sabotage of not living in the moment. I have heard this term bounced around for how long have we heard it?
I know what it means now.

Today on my long drive to work and all morning I wanted to run away, I went a diffrent way to work and the change was nice. On extended period of non work today I drove around instead of sitting there. I need change I need toi live in the moment of change. My life is good I am blessed Im gonna start living that way.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What a Tale sculpt

So being new to blogging, I might have put the pictures weird. Or did I just kidding, this is my stand up sculpt. It stands 2' high it is made up of a wire base and paper mache. Then i began to sculpt it with Das clay and paper clay.

This is my first stand up sculpt that is so big I wanted to do something abstract, and sci fi so What a Tale came to be also I wanted to see just how far I could take it. I am not sure if I want to paint it or not, If I do I will post it. I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am. I am just so happy that it didn't turn out so bad being my first big sculpt. I'm going to try to find some other places to post it I really would like some feed back. For now all i have is my family and they love me to much to hurt my feelings.

I am looking forward to finishing it what ever that may be. I have put a lot of hours in so far its been a month.
Right now my hubby is upset with me for how much money I spend on supplies but you know in the grand scheme of things it's really not that much and it could be worse I could want a new car every year,and its all my money I spend. His hobby is way more expensive and hopefully maybe someone will buy my hobby. But I love him and will respect his wishes.
So starting now besides buying clay and bases to sculpt on I'm going to go through my stash of stuff and create from home so I'm going art green! I just hope that I can refrain from shopping I love Hobby Lobby!!!!
I am finding that my job though very satisfying is becoming mundane and I want some time just to create. I can not become a starving artist I love food way to much but in a way green artistisom is kinda starving I can only buy the thing necessary for my dolls and sculpts. I cant splurge on shiny bobbles and thing that never seem to make it in to my art. I am a very eclectic person I love music that does not fit into the stereo type the world wants to put me in I dress different I look different I embrace different things so why can't my art be that way to.

I vow now to only purchase what is necessary! GREEN STARVING ARTISTISOM no offense to the real starving artist much respect!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Hello to those who know me and, welcome to those who don't.

My name is Ahdra, My artist name is CHADEMP. I am a doll artist, I work with clay making masks, dolls, people. I also paint but not as much as sculpt I love working with my hands. I am also a LMT, licsensed massage therapist.

I will start by saying that it has been a long time to get here, I have no artistic training I am self taught and always learning. I decided to open a store on ETSY/ chademp.etsy.com last year.

I then decided to start a blog I am on face book but I dont want to bore people with my thought ever second so Im going to blog and if you want to know then by all means come and see.

Like I said it took a long time to get here, here being that my work may be of interest to others.

This blog will be about my work first, the process of diving in and creating, then my personal journey through life and my thought about it. It will be nice to have a place to speak. Some times I feel that we don't get a chance to express ourselves fully, with out interuptions.

Ok so today Iwill be typing up an artist statement, post it later. I will be sending in some pictures of my dolls and things to Art Doll Quarterly for thier show and tell secction.

I started a new mask today and finished a doll yesterday.

I am working on a large sculpture almost done with it looking forward to posting pictures.

If you notice I am by no means the best with comas and stuff so if I rambel I do not mean to.

I have a wonderful family I am married to the love of my life, who by the way will most likely not be posted here he is very secretive,ha ha. My dad is great a widow of 5 years, we lost my mom 2005, my brother in 2006 both in Feb. I don't know what Gods plans were but I must say that it has made me a stronger woman. I am Christain I love Jesus Christ and am not ashamed of this. He helps my creative process.

My work may not be totaly exceptable by all people always but is always exceptable I hope that you will enjoy it!!!

God bless and God keep!!!!