Thursday, June 10, 2010

Im rethinking GSA

I want to first say that I am sorry if I'm letting anyone down but GSA does not work. At least not for me, I have found that I want to concentrate on two forms of visual art even though I can do more crafts and types of work the two that stand out the most are sculpting and painting. I have recently discovered a form of painting that is so exciting to me I can not wait to try it. Try it that is were the problem lies it will require me to buy thing that are not necessary to my sculpting/mask making but are necessary to this form of painting so I guess it is necessary but not.

And rather than kick my self in the butt for buying the things that I need I will give up GSA and localize my brain on the two things that bring me the most joy.'
I will explain the new form once I have some examples to post but until then I hope your having as much fun as I am!!!!! The only thing is I must find some space to do this I can not do it indoors, although I went through my things and my creative space and I have more room than I thought. My little apartment is not so small!!!!

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