Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Hello to those who know me and, welcome to those who don't.

My name is Ahdra, My artist name is CHADEMP. I am a doll artist, I work with clay making masks, dolls, people. I also paint but not as much as sculpt I love working with my hands. I am also a LMT, licsensed massage therapist.

I will start by saying that it has been a long time to get here, I have no artistic training I am self taught and always learning. I decided to open a store on ETSY/ chademp.etsy.com last year.

I then decided to start a blog I am on face book but I dont want to bore people with my thought ever second so Im going to blog and if you want to know then by all means come and see.

Like I said it took a long time to get here, here being that my work may be of interest to others.

This blog will be about my work first, the process of diving in and creating, then my personal journey through life and my thought about it. It will be nice to have a place to speak. Some times I feel that we don't get a chance to express ourselves fully, with out interuptions.

Ok so today Iwill be typing up an artist statement, post it later. I will be sending in some pictures of my dolls and things to Art Doll Quarterly for thier show and tell secction.

I started a new mask today and finished a doll yesterday.

I am working on a large sculpture almost done with it looking forward to posting pictures.

If you notice I am by no means the best with comas and stuff so if I rambel I do not mean to.

I have a wonderful family I am married to the love of my life, who by the way will most likely not be posted here he is very secretive,ha ha. My dad is great a widow of 5 years, we lost my mom 2005, my brother in 2006 both in Feb. I don't know what Gods plans were but I must say that it has made me a stronger woman. I am Christain I love Jesus Christ and am not ashamed of this. He helps my creative process.

My work may not be totaly exceptable by all people always but is always exceptable I hope that you will enjoy it!!!

God bless and God keep!!!!

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