Thursday, February 23, 2012


I realize that this last week I have been on vacation, I have not worked out, I have not eaten my regular health food and scheduled meals. I do feel wonderful though maybe a little heavier not much, and nothing a good week of clean eating and my regular HITT training can't handle. So tonight I drink my Kiefir. Kiefir is a wonderful nutritious fermented milk drink. I make my own with my ever growing kiefir grains. I notice when I drink it regularly my skin glows and my digestion system is grateful. So even though its Friday tomorrow and I slacked all week,I will jump back on the wagon and get a routine going again. It was a pleasant break. I work out 5-6 times a week a hour or more at a time so I think I deserved this one.

Ok I have a fiber craft haul coming, today I received my knit picks ball winder. I need a swift but that can wait for now since my hubby like's to hold the yarn for me at least he pretends to. So I opened it, it has instructions on the back of the box. I figured it out and wound my first ball I love the little cakes. Supper happy, can't wait for my wheel to get here I'm itchin to spin. I guess I could use my old wheel but I want it now!

Here is the finished owlette head band by Kym Sturdevant on Ravelry. It took like an hour and a half, supper fast supper fun knit. I had a lot of yarn left over so I knit a bobble band also. I lent my friend, the one I knit the bands for a knitting book, on the day I did there was a funny discussion on bobbles. Fast forward to last Friday she brought the book back and said here just in case you want to knit bobbles on vacation. So here you go my friend your very own bobble head band. Who loves you baby?

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