Saturday, August 21, 2010

New Obsession New body New passions renewed!!!!!

I was thinking of how to express my new found sense of self. I realized that I needed a new routine and passion, I have as of date lost a total of 45 pounds since April of last year. That may not seem like a good thing I have had ups and downs but still I feel comfortable again in my skin.
How does that fit into art and expression it fits in big. I now have a work out that I love and dream about, i have a passion to paint like nobodies business and I want to move like a cat! I hoop dance, yep I play with a hula hoop and it moves me, it moves my mind spirit and body. Never before have I loved something that makes me work out since I was a runner and run no more! All you ladies and gents get a hoop.
It has opened my eyes and creative energies, as well a given my middle great shape.
I will be making hoops this weekend and dancing my butt off literally.
I will post before and after pics soon and go into how and whys and whats new I just want to say I am truly truly a different being in my self!!!!